
Here are 4 things energy drinks can do to your kidneys

Energy drinks are now frequently resorted for to get through late-night work hours or to get through a difficult morning.

But have you ever stopped to think about the kidney damage that can of liquid energy is causing you? Although they do provide a much-needed energy boost, you may want to reconsider them given their impact on your kidneys.

Keeping things real and educational, gonjamedia examines some of the four major ways energy drinks might affect kidney health.

1. Dehydration

Due to its diuretic properties, caffeine causes an increase in urine production. Dehydration is a condition where your body lacks sufficient water to do its regular tasks. This can result from dehydration.

Prolonged dehydration can result in kidney stones or other kidney-related problems because it puts more strain on your kidneys to filter your blood.

It’s important to stay hydrated, particularly when consuming your preferred energy source.

2. Blood pressure spike

Another thing to keep in mind is that energy drinks’ high caffeine level may cause temporary blood pressure rises.

Consistently increasing your blood pressure over time can strain your kidneys more and perhaps cause chronic renal disease. It all comes down to finding the right balance and avoiding consuming too much caffeine.

3. Overloading the filters

First things first: energy drinks include a lot of sugar and caffeine. For your kidneys, which serve as your body’s natural filter, these substances may be a tall order.

If you drink these drinks in excess, your kidneys may have to work harder to process and get rid of them, which could strain your kidneys and eventually cause damage to them. As with many good things in life, moderation is vital.

4. A chemical cocktail

Finally, in addition to sugar and caffeine, energy drinks frequently include a combination of chemicals and plants. Although these substances are generally regarded as safe in modest amounts, their long-term effects on kidney health are not entirely known.

It is advisable to exercise caution and consider the possible effects on your kidneys prior to downing that can.

Energy drinks might help you feel better quickly, but it’s important to think about how they might affect your kidneys.

Maintaining your energy levels and kidney health can be achieved by balancing your energy needs with healthier options, such as getting adequate sleep and drinking plenty of water.

Listening to your body is essential to taking care of it; sometimes this means turning down an extra energy drink.

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